Professionally I am a Software Developer. I am mostly engaged in mobile development using C#, Xamarin and MVVMCROSS, but also create WCF services and RESTful API’s to support my mobile applications and other projects. I also develop WPF and .Net Web Applications using typescript, bootstrap and AngularJS.
Personally I am interested in propulsion and energy systems and have been learning some SolidWorks and doing some 3D printing on a small home printer using PLA.
My previous web site was located at nickrobinson.id.au, and while I felt this had a very functional and somewhat professional air about it, it never quite seemed engaging.
While it is true, I am not actually in space (not yet), nickin.space seemed a bit more fun and hopefully brings with it an air of engagement and a challenge of sorts… to actually be in space.
The Book of Shadows is a mobile application for the iPhone which I developed with my partner Jacqui.
Jacqui had collected a lot of information on Herbs, Crystals and Essential Oils as well as a wealth of information on Wicca.
I loved the idea of creating something very different from my daily business applications, and here we are.
One of the most notable deviations from my normal app development was creating all of the graphics as 3D models using DAZ3D and rendering them in high resolution. The rendered images were then integrated into my normal workflow using Fireworks and Photoshop. This approach provided the app with a very coherent theme, relevant earthy colors and a great user experience.